My Story

Ipek Design is a collection of handmade accessories crafted with love and intent. Ipek creates each unique piece setting forth an intention to bring positive energy to the recipient. As she designs in the various collections, Ipek charges her creations with positive affirmations for abundance, prosperity and happiness.

Upon receiving your accessory, Ipek's desire is for you to activate the charged piece by setting your intention and repeating the mantra “I AM…”, inserting the style name of your piece (i.e. for the "be GROUNDED" facechain you would firmly repeat "I AM GROUNDED & FULLY PRESENT"). Continuously saying this mantra every time you wear your Ipek Design will ensure your piece remains charged with positivity.

Maintaining positive energy is the essence of true happiness! 

Born in Istanbul, Turkey and raised on the East Coast, Ipek has always had a passion for the arts. Music, design and fashion have been a constant in her life. Being part of a family of musicians, craftsman carpenters, painters, artists and dress makers, she is continually inspired to create. Her collection of unique accessories are influenced by the Turkish and Central Asian cultures, and each piece is always crafted with love and intent.